Natalie Lvova

Natalie Lvova’s risk management and bank supervision expertise across financial services and insurance sectors, along with M&A experience, diverse international background, and fluency in three languages, qualify her to serve on a Governance and/or Audit & Risk Committee of a public or private board.

Natalie Lvova began her career at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York where she provided oversight and supervision of a wide array of US and foreign banks. Natalie’s more recent professional experiences comprise leadership roles in operational and enterprise risk management at American Express, Wells Fargo and City National Bank, a subsidiary of Royal Bank of Canada. Natalie’s Board interactions include producing quarterly risk reporting to the Boards of directors of New York Life Investments and New York Life Insurance Company. As an accomplished risk leader, Natalie is passionate about being a change agent by giving voice to matters and concerns of her generation, and those that will follow, with keen focus on non-US born younger professionals.


Jennifer (McMullan) Skurski


Kimberly Houser