Beth Benatti Kennedy

Beth Benatti Kennedy’s extensive experience at providing leadership and C-suite executive coaching and human resource consulting qualify her to serve on a public board, including on the Nominating and Governance Committee.

Beth Benatti Kennedy is the founder and CEO of Benatti Leadership Development. Her company provides leaders the tools to address their most critical and complex leadership issues, bring a disciplined approach to transformation, and uncover the pivot points for accelerated growth, performance, and profitability. Beth’s expertise includes coaching leaders to fine tune their leadership styles for maximum impact, positively influence the people they work with and build effective teams and develop resilience skills to support peak performance. Experience includes working with Fortune 500 organizations and global pharmaceutical organizations including Takeda Pharmaceutical Organization, Pfizer, and Nautilus Biotechnology.

Ms. Kennedy was the lead career development consultant for The Gillette Company South Boston Manufacturing Center for fifteen years and consulted at the Gillette Headquarters in Boston and the Andover Manufacturing Center. She provided coaching to employees involved in a transition to value stream/lean manufacturing and managed the career transition services to The Gillette Company when it merged with Procter & Gamble.

Beth is an award-winning author of Career ReCharge: Five Strategies to Boost Resilience and Beat Burnout. She is a sought-after keynote speaker on leadership and resilience. Ms. Kennedy has delivered speaking presentations on preventing burnout and resilience at conferences around the world.

Beth has her board certification from Corporate Directors International LLC, USA. Her designation, CDI.D, recognizes her as a qualified corporate board candidate for a public or private board.

"Michele’s program is not only credentialed and well run but it provides an incredible personal challenge to each individual. You will finish the course with not only an appreciation and understanding of the complexity of boards, but you will be more confident in your leadership and executive presence! Thank you, Michele, for giving 120% to keep us engaged and to provide such extensive support and focus!"

~ Beth Benatti Kennedy


Iliana Rodriguez


Jessica Fung