Evelyn Foo, CDI.D Appointed to Portland Investment Counsel Inc Board

Congratulations to Evelyn Foo for her appointment to the Portland Investment Counsel Inc. Board of Directors. Evelyn's Board appointment is the 118th for ACE Graduates. She earned her CDI.D designation from Corporate Directors International, having completed the Board Certification Program at ACE LLC.

ACE LLC Announces the Board Appointment of ACE Graduate, Evelyn Foo to the Portland Investment Counsel Inc. Independent Review Committee - Congratulations

Burlington, ON, Canada, January 10, 2025 –Portland Investment Counsel Inc. has appointed ACE graduate Evelyn Foo to the Independent Review Committee effective January 1, 2025.

About Portand Investment Counsel:

Whenever you invest in any Portland Investment Counsel service or solution, you are assured that our goals will be to:

Preserve your capital over the long term, because we invest in what we believe to be high quality businesses.

Grow your capital at a reasonable rate, as we invest in businesses that we believe are in strong, long-term growth industries.

Minimize taxes on your capital as we hold businesses for the long-term, giving you potentially tax-deferred compounding.

Put simply, we are an Investment Fund Manager, Portfolio Manager and Exempt Market Dealer. We have a reputation for being Owners and Operators thus we are insightful Investors. Portland Investment Counsel provides portfolio management and exempt market dealer services as well as investment products. Our investor roots date back to 1986.

The Portland Difference. We have garnered a reputation for being a long-term shareholder and for taking significant positions in investee companies. We believe that wealth should be invested in a manner that is most aligned with the principles followed by successful wealth creators.

Learn more about Portland Investment Counsel Inc.

About Evelyn:

Evelyn Foo is the President of EFoo Consulting Inc., a consulting firm specializing in the investment funds industry. She currently also serves as Board Director on Olive Resource Management and the University of Toronto Alumni Association. She was previously the President, COO, CFO and CCO at Galileo Global Equity Advisors Inc. (2009-2019). a boutique investment management firm with varied retail and private product offerings. Her prior roles encompassed investment areas at CIBC, TD and Franklin Templeton. Ms Foo is a Chartered Professional Accountant with 30+ years in the investment fund industry.

Evelyn has her board certification from Corporate Directors International LLC, USA. Her designation, CDI.D, recognizes her as a qualified corporate board candidate for a public or private board.

Congratulations Portland Investment Counsel Inc for appointing Evelyn Foo to your board. We know she will bring value and serve the board, company and stakeholders well.


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