Betsy Cosper, CDI.D, Toronto Featured In Industry Magazine Highlighting Executive Leaders

ACE Graduate, Betsy Cosper, CDI.D, Toronto featured in industry magazine highlighting executive leaders

Read the article here.

"Congratulations Betsy, for the article featuring you in Sprayfoam Industry Magazine. What a testimony to you and your diverse interests and leadership background. Amazing how everything ties together and adds value to the corporation (Betsy is VP Marketing for Demilec) and you too - from your "57 Ford Convertible and bee hobbies to insulation made from plastic that is recycled and kept out of the oceans and trash dumps.

Learn more about Betsy Cosper and her leading role in saving the planet from plastic (hers and the company's that is). Demilec products are developed and created using renewable and recycled materials, which contributes to a more sustainable design. In 2019 they recycled their 600 millionth plastic bottle!"

Michele Ashby, CEO and President, ACE LLC

Lindsey Gira

Graphic + Web Designer | Six Leaf Design

Kari Granger, CDI.D, ACE Board Graduate, Launches Stakeholder LeadershipTM Webinar Series


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