Michele Ashby | Corporate Board Training For Women

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Susan Kleimann

Susan Kleimann’s extensive leadership in impacting consumers experience and aiding government agencies to better communicate with the public and private sectors, qualify her to serve on a public board, including risk management and cyber committees.

Engaged professional with over 40 years of experience focused on communicating clearly with consumers at any level of literacy and in any language. Spent professional career since 1997 as head of a woman-owned small business, built from an underfunded start-up to a multi-million-dollar, profitable communication firm used by government and private industry for high profile, big impact projects.

Specialty areas include: Expert witness for government and private industry in determining high profile cases involving the failure or remedy to communicate clearly in documents. Expert at mixed modes of qualitative methodologies to create appropriate and cost-effective consumer testing scenarios. Skilled at managing both large contracts and smaller projects effectively. Excellent mentor. Practical, knowledgeable, intuitive, and savvy leader who can see around corners for immediate impacts and effects as well as implications down the road. Understands the difference between investment and spending.

Susan has her board certification from Corporate Directors International LLC, USA. Her designation, CDI.D, recognizes her as a qualified corporate board candidate for a public or private board.