Michele Ashby | Corporate Board Training For Women

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Mary Papazian

Dr. Mary Papazian’s extensive C-Suite leadership experience in higher education and talent development and her global perspective qualify her to serve on a public or private board, including nomination & governance, compensation, succession planning, and finance committees. Mary's interaction with top corporations as well as up and coming tech companies is impressive. She is an exceptional find.

Dr. Mary Papazian served for over a decade as the President and CEO of two public universities serving over 50,000 students, including Silicon Valley’s only public university. A transformative, visionary, and award-winning executive, Dr. Papazian has expertise in strategic planning and in aligning the talent pipeline with the needs of business and industry to ensure a strong, well prepared,and diverse talent pipeline that drives revenue and competitiveness.

Dr. Papazian is a sought after speaker, writer, and thought leader in the areas of digital transformation; alignment of business needs with educational programs; diversity, equity and inclusion; the future of work and learning, and navigating through crisis.

With over fifteen years of service on over twenty non-profit or trade association boards, where she served as chair, vice chair, and on the executive, finance, membership, audit, and advancement committees, Dr. Papazian is ideally suited for appointment to a public or private corporate board.