Janet Pogar
Janet Pogar’s extensive experience as Regional VP for a Blue Cross Blue Shield, working on all sides of the delivery system; as well as, her experience in financing of healthcare services from a carrier, provider and consumer perspective qualify her to serve on a public or private board, including finance, strategy and contracting committees.
Janet Pogar is the Regional Vice President in Network Management at Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Janet is responsible for negotiating and maintaining contracts for the CO plan in excess of $4 billion dollars. Janet has had extensive experience across all sides of the delivery system.
Offering more than 25 years of management experience in healthcare delivery, including developing and supporting a large-scale provider network with accountability to produce results. Adept in overseeing unit cost management activities, including analyzing, developing, and reporting on complex pricing models. Drive contract negotiations and stay abreast on Cost of Care trend management.
Janet has her board certification from Corporate Directors International LLC, USA. Her designation, CDI.D, recognizes her as a qualified corporate board candidate for a public or private board.
"Michele is just a wealth of knowledge. Wow - the resources and the go to board training was so relevant and made me realize being on a board is attainable. Now is the time to be bold and get on a board. Thank you for attracting such a wonderful group of women together. I am impressed with the breadth and depth of their resumes and vulnerabilities. I really want to stay in touch with this group and Michele!"
~ Janet Pogar